
2 legged OAuth & 3 legged OAuth

In short, they describe two different usage scenarios of OAuth involving two respectively three parties.
3-legged OAuth describes the scenario for which OAuth was originally developed: a resource owner wants to give a client access to a server without sharing his credentials (i.e. username/password). A typical example is a user (resource owner) who wants to give a third-party application (client) access to his Twitter account (server).
On a conceptual level it works in the following way:
  • Client has signed up to the server and got his client credentials (also known as “consumer key and secret”) ahead of time
  • User wants to give the client access to his protected resources on the server
  • Client retrieves the temporary credentials (also known as “request token”) from the server
  • Client redirects the resource owner to the server
  • Resource owner grants the client access to his protected resources on the server
  • Server redirects the user back to the client
  • Client uses the temporary credentials to retrieve the token credentials (also known as “access token”) from the server
  • Client uses the token credentials to access the protected resources on the server
2-legged OAuth, on the other hand, describes a typical client-server scenario, without any user involvement. An example for such a scenario could be a local Twitter client application accessing your Twitter account.
On a conceptual level 2-legged OAuth simply consists of the first and last steps of 3-legged OAuth:
  • Client has signed up to the server and got his client credentials (also known as “consumer key and secret”)
  • Client uses his client credentials (and empty token credentials) to access the protected resources on the server
3-legged oauth
resource owner, client, server.
resource owner 给client访问权限去访问resource owner在server上的resource,但是resource owner和client不共享credentials(用户名和密码)。
1. client在server上注册,获得client credentials(包括consumer key和consumer secret)
2. client从server获得temporay credentials(即request token)
3. client将user-agent定向到server
4. user授权client访问server上的resource
5. server将user-agent定向到client
6. client用temporary credentials(request token)从server换取token credentials(即 access token)
7. client使用access token访问server上的protected resource

2-legged oauth
没有user参与的 server/client形式
1. client在server上注册,获得client credentials(包括consumer key和consumer secret)
2. client使用client credential(和空的token credential)访问server上的protected resource

三条腿的OAuth(3-Legged OAuth),这也是OAuth的标准版本。这里所谓的“三条腿”,指的是授权过程中涉及前面提到的三种角色,也就是:客户端,服务提供方,用户。不过有 些情况下,不需要用户的参与,此时就产生了一个变体,被称作两条腿的OAuth(2-Legged OAuth),一般来说,访问私有数据的应用需要三条腿的OAuth,访问公共数据的应用需要两条腿的OAuth。
两条腿的OAuth和三条腿的OAuth相比,因为没有用户的参与,所以在流程中就不会涉及用户授权的环节,也就不需要使用Token,而主要是通 过Consumer Key和Consumer Secret来完成签名的,此时的Consumer Key和Consumer Secret基本等价于账号和密码的作用。

Auth Coreはフロー上の登場人物がConsumerとSPとEnd Userの三者であることから3-legged OAuthと呼ばれているのに対し、ConsumerがEnd Userとは紐づかないSPのリソースにアクセスする2者間通信の仕組みを通称2-legged OAuthと呼んでいます。


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